enjoyed myself yesterday.. Dear came back for holiday!Finally.. :) went out with him for dinner then movie..
went to sushi king first time,sushi king so packed and hard to order food :( so many couples come out on sunday night! wow..first time date on sunday night!
i want my ebi sushi and my sakae sushi :( need to order and wait cause the sushi on the ring is yuck! went to watch zombieland after dinner..
Zombieland is the funny edition of left 4 dead damn funny..LMAO! that guy sure funny enough.. so hope to play L4D after watched the movie!
I scare ghost but don't know why i'm so addicted to this horror game.. this is life :D Life is short so play hard!
人生, 到底是什么? 活着的意义是什么!? 有些人一直努力却得不到想要的东西 有些人则不劳而获.. 为什么那么不公平呢? 我的头上 顿时 出现了许多问号........
圣诞节快到了啦... 朋友们,是时候放松自己 :P 一起来poker face... 吃喝玩乐...多好啊!
上天陪了阿B去买礼物给他女朋友... 看到他对她那么好 还蛮感动的咧... envy :| 他连价钱都没看.. 看了,拿了.. 慢慢的挑......
为什么有些会打扮.. 为什么有的像海鲜? 为什么有的超爱美 那么多为什么... 但是脑袋抓不出答案 = =” 还是别想 让下脑袋休息好了...