say mii stupid, scold mii idiot,insult mii and i'm numb... don't know what to do,i'm lost for the first time... hard to face difficult and i don't want to face it! FML!it is just a nightmare for us..
so bored to see,too annoyed to hear it,too stress to talk about. it sure reflect that how low is my EQ yet i managed to hold on it. hope everything back to normal as usual. i'm nobody but don't try to hurt mii although i'm nobody. hurt mii,i will make it back on you. what comes around,goes around...
i'm fragile so don't hurt mii don't know what to do.. it just like the road in front mii is black.. friends,together we watch this show in darkness :D
功课@ assignment 弄到我好累 但,最累的还是 他 弄到我更累 看到就累 听到也累 我面对你 我真的觉得我好累
这种累 我不懂怎样形容 华语 我太烂了 :P
因为累 现在的我 现在就去睡觉 养神去 :)