gone for few days for sweet escape  nothing special just hang out with him.. watched two times of 2012, still don't feel anything in the movie can make my tears out = =" went out for lunch at Mcd after class :D wtf!he showed mii the old style black face :o F him seriously.. really want to drive the car as fast as i could, but,my classmate is sitting behind.. stick to my rules..NEVER drive fast car when others son in my car :P
Wendy and I went to do some window shopping at roxy :* can see no money buy!! so pity :'( saw a nice purse and a nice bag!! seriously,i want all of them :( no money no talk..
went back hostel then out again with darling and lerling.. went to watch four kind.. allien~ spooky! :D sit at our place and chit chat so long... then the light still on..everyone chit chat all along, then,two worker walked down and one of them said : "sorry,but we need to refund your ticket,due to technical problem." a uncle shouted :" what!?then wasted our time and money!wasted my ferry charge,my petrol" "can refund our drinks and popcorn?",another one asked. "can change the movie to another movie?" all question the man answered by: NO,of course the polite way :D don't understand why our older generation so old-minded?= =" you are the one who drove the car all the way long to gurney, you the one who had the dinner, you are the one who bought the movie ticket.. uncle,this sentence is for you :D 天下没有白吃的晚餐~
watched the box after the refund, stupid movie indeed... i still shouted like mad people during the movie :| get to know a new friend.. a future chief aka new member :D
摆黑脸 你就厉害 明明就很白 但是硬要摆黑脸 闷 在家睡觉  我 . . . . . 的 . . . . . 电话 又再没有响! 它妈的乌龟 害它的主人还在梦中 :'(圣诞节要来了 谁要买那个鞋和包包给我 :'o