argh!!!what time is now!?gosh~
12.15pm!?damn i so died...
I promise to go for a movie on 12.50pm...
seriously I overslept,that's the problem

planning to sleep at 6am in the morning
but someone changed my plan
ah B asked mii to wake him up when his handphone's alarm rang!
i said kind-hearted

then zhen han said mii to wake him up as well..
as what I promised,i woke both of them but i didn't sleep yet

WTF!?8am in the morning~aiks...
go sleep for 2-3 hour also not bad!
then i overslept

I quickly bathed myself,dress myself up and make up
due to my panda eyes..
no ways I'm going out without make up

so black..until he also complain about it..*sob
So,we went off and we late for the movie【吓到笑】
quite scary for mii..
funny is funny, but still touch my heart at the back!
that's sure make mii think about my grandma
yer...miss her like hell

went to kim the

ice honey lemon tea
i have unagi with cheese on top for lunch..
chit-chatting with my buddies..BFF!
damn happy..
but my teeth still pain
ouch~cause of the bone of unagi

so hurt!!!!!
stupid fish bone!!hate you~

5 of us becomes lepak kaki
went to see Iphone,handphone,dell's laptop,vaio's laptop~
and I saw PSP...
hope I get one..
wish never came true..hehe!
Finally..conclusion :I have no mood for study!stupid business statistics!!!!!HATE TARC...why increase the resit fees from RM5o to RM8o!?
stupid fellow....